Colostrum: an extreme vaccine for everything!
First Food Advantages
Colostrum, a newborn's first food, provides many immunological benefits that no other substance in the world can provide. Infant formulas designed for the first few days of life can mimic the nutrient composition of colostrum, but do not contain the live immune cells and antibodies that provide protection to the newborn. In addition to the benefits of human colostrum for babies, colostrum from cows may also provide benefits to older individuals who consume it.
About Colostrum
Colostrum is produced by the breasts during the first few days after the birth of a baby and serves as a breastfed infant's first food. Some women begin producing colostrum as early as the first few months of pregnancy, but most don't notice any colostrum production until after the baby is born. The breasts stop producing this thick yellowish substance after the actual milk comes in, usually about three to four days after the baby is born. The breasts can only produce a few teaspoons worth of colostrum at a time, but since a newborn's stomach is only about the size of a marble at birth, this is enough to sustain him for the first few days of life. The stimulation of the baby drinking colostrum helps the mother's milk come in.
First Food Advantages
Colostrum contains high levels of protein and carbohydrates for the newborn baby. It is low in fat. The precise composition of colostrum helps the baby's intestines clear out the meconium, the dark tarry substance in the intestines of a newborn. It also helps the body pass bilirubin out through the stool, which is important for preventing jaundice. Colostrum also coats the walls of the digestive tract, preventing foreign substances from traveling through the permeable intestinal wall.
Immunological Benefits
Colostrum contains antibodies and immune cells that help the fragile newborn fight off disease. Colostrum contains more immunological factors than actual breast milk does. One antibody in particular, secretory immunoglobulin A, is especially important for newborn health. Secretory immunoglobulin A, or IgA, protects the mucous membranes of the throat, intestines and lungs from invading pathogens. Colostrum also contains white blood cells called leukocytes. Leukocytes attack and kill bacteria and viruses that attempt to invade the newborn's body.
About Colostrum
Colostrum is produced by the breasts during the first few days after the birth of a baby and serves as a breastfed infant's first food. Some women begin producing colostrum as early as the first few months of pregnancy, but most don't notice any colostrum production until after the baby is born. The breasts stop producing this thick yellowish substance after the actual milk comes in, usually about three to four days after the baby is born. The breasts can only produce a few teaspoons worth of colostrum at a time, but since a newborn's stomach is only about the size of a marble at birth, this is enough to sustain him for the first few days of life. The stimulation of the baby drinking colostrum helps the mother's milk come in.
First Food Advantages
Colostrum contains high levels of protein and carbohydrates for the newborn baby. It is low in fat. The precise composition of colostrum helps the baby's intestines clear out the meconium, the dark tarry substance in the intestines of a newborn. It also helps the body pass bilirubin out through the stool, which is important for preventing jaundice. Colostrum also coats the walls of the digestive tract, preventing foreign substances from traveling through the permeable intestinal wall.
Immunological Benefits
Colostrum contains antibodies and immune cells that help the fragile newborn fight off disease. Colostrum contains more immunological factors than actual breast milk does. One antibody in particular, secretory immunoglobulin A, is especially important for newborn health. Secretory immunoglobulin A, or IgA, protects the mucous membranes of the throat, intestines and lungs from invading pathogens. Colostrum also contains white blood cells called leukocytes. Leukocytes attack and kill bacteria and viruses that attempt to invade the newborn's body.